Matches begin at 5:30pm
Tuesday, Jan. 28
Starting Weight 90
Judson vs Straub
Location: Straub
Thursday, Jan. 30
Starting Weight 155/160
Judson vs Walker
Location: Judson
Tuesday Feb. 4
Starting Weight 95
Judson vs Crossler
Location: Judson
Thursday, Feb. 6
Starting Weight 145/150
Judson BYE
Tuesday, Feb. 11
Starting Weight 100/102
Judson vs Waldo
Location: Judson
Thursday, Feb. 13
Starting Weight 170/175
Judson vs Parrish
Location: Parrish
Tuesday, Feb. 18
Starting Weight 115/117
Judson vs Claggett
Location: Judson
Thursday, Feb. 20
Starting Weight 80
Judson vs Leslie
Location: Leslie
All grades:
6 single subject spiral notebooks, college-ruled
Pencils, 1 dozen per trimester
Pencil pouch
4-color set of highlighters
6 glue sticks (turn in 4 to teacher for classroom community)
3-ring binder
Pocket dividers
Refillable water bottle
4 Kleenex boxes (turn into teacher for classroom community)
1 folder with 3-hole punch to go in binder
Calculator (scientific for 8th grade)
Wired earbuds/headphones (wireless will not be allowed)
Lined notebook paper
8th grade only:
100-page spiral for math
Scientific calculator
Blue or black pens
Graph paper or spiral notebook with graph paper
Ruler with standard & metric
Colored pencils
Index cards
Graph paper
Scotch tape
Handheld pencil sharpener
Additional items may be requested from individual teachers during the first week of school or throughout the year.
Today we launched our schoolwide fundraiser, Raise Craze! What is Raise Craze? Raise Craze is an online platform enabling students to set up secure, custom websites where they request donations via email, text, or social media. During the fundraiser, students pay it forward by completing Acts of Kindness for others. Be on the lookout for instructions being sent home with your student. We can’t wait to see how our school spreads kindness as a way of thanking our donors! Let’s get this party started! Check out the “How It Works” video to see how this super simple and sweet fundraiser works!
Our goal is raise $15,000 and for our students to perform 1,500 Acts of Kindness. Register for Raise Craze HERE!
Welcome to Judson Middle School
6th Grade First day of School
The 1st day of school for 6th graders is Tuesday, September 5th School hours are 9:20 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
We are excited to have your student coming to Judson Middle School this fall and look forward to partnering with you in your student’s education. In anticipation of your student’s first year of middle school we are hoping to make the transition a smooth one by helping you understand what the first day of school will look like, what school supplies are needed, and other helpful information that you will need to know before school begins. If you have signed up for 6th grade JumpStart, you will be receiving further info. in a separate email from our JumpStart coordinator.
What will the first day of school look like?
- All students will pick up their class schedule in the main lobby when they arrive. After picking up their class schedule, students should proceed to their 1st period class.
- There is one lunch period scheduled for 6th grade students this year. More information will be given to 6th graders during class on their first day. Lunches for the 2023-24 are offered free of charge. Students may also bring a sack lunch from home, if wanted.
- Bus information will be reviewed in 6th period classes. Students will be advised which bus to ride home. Staff will be outside with signs helping students find the correct bus after school. Please discuss after school pick up arrangements with your student and remember to register your student to ride the bus here.
What are the school hours?
School starts at 9:20 a.m. and dismisses at 4:00 p.m.
Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday will be a 1-hour late start day.
School will start at 10:20 a.m.
What does a school lunch cost?
All elementary, middle, and high school students enrolled in a Salem-Keizer Public School will receive breakfast and lunch on site at no cost for the 2023-2024 school year.
What about PE Clothes?
PE clothes should consist of a purple t-shirt and black shorts. T-shirts should be crew neck. It is preferred that students have a separate pair of tennis shoes. All PE clothing and tennis shoes should be marked for easy identification should they be-come lost. Because classes often meet outside; sweatshirt and sweatpants are advised. PE clothes may be purchased in the main office or using the online payment portal.
Sets are $20.00 or if purchased separately, shirts are $8.00, and shorts are $12.00. Students will be issued PE lockers with combinations to use for their clothing during PE classes.
When are school pictures?
School pictures will be taken on Wednesday, September 13th. The pictures must be paid for at the time the pictures are taken (checks should be made out to Dorian Studios or you may purchase and pay for them online). Picture packets will be sent in your students information packet on Wednesday, Sept. 6th.
Retake day is scheduled for October 26th.
Our newsletter, the Judson Weekly is sent out via Judson feed on ParentSquare every Friday.
Judson Families & Guardians,
Registration is now open for all sports programs for the 2023-2024 school year.
Practice and game schedules will be announced prior to the start of each sport season.
Fall Sports:
Football – Open to 7th & 8th graders – August – October
Volleyball – Open to 7th & 8th grade girls – September – October
Cross Country – Open to all grades – September – October
Winter Sports:
Wrestling – Open to all grades – January – February
Spring Sports:
Basketball – Open to all grades – February – March
Track & Field – Open to all grades – April – May
Soccer – Open to all grades – April – May
Participation Fees:
First sport = $40.00
Second sport = $40.00
Third sport or more = No Charge
**Participation fees are required prior to the first practice. Athletes who try out for Volleyball, Basketball or Soccer are not required to pay their participation fee until they are confirmed on a team.
**Students with financial barriers who qualify can pay a reduced cost of $20.00 per sport.
If you have any questions please contact Jeffrey Witherspoon at 503-399-3201 or
To register click the link below: